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Roberto Garavaglia

Senior Management Consultant

Innovative Payments Strategy Advisor

Senior Advisor specialized in helping Organizations (Companies, Banks, Payment Institutions, EMIs) innovate and build new business streams in the Digital Payments industry and blockchain field.
In 2014 I was among the first in Italy to deal with blockchain projects in the finance sector.

Successful track record in Electronic Payment Systems business, for more than two decades I’m committed to conceiving new business models and innovative products/services.
Experienced in market analysis and great expert in European regulatory (PSD, PSD2, EMD, ...), since 2003 I work as a free-lance Management Consultant dealing with a strategic consultancy offering for banks and new-comers who want competing in the Payment Services market as a leader.

Since 2008 I collaborate with MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business within the framework of “Digital Innovation Observatories” initiatives, by contributing with my experience to the analysis of strategies in the field of New Digital Payments, blockchain and market scenarios that can guide a cross-industry development. I wrote numerous scientific publications on topics concerning innovation, regulation of innovative payment systems and blockchain.


I also act as chairman and/or keynote speaker at conference/seminar/workshop and as columnist and editorial writer for magazines focused on new payments business.

Moreover, I'm occasional lecturer at Politecnico di Milano, University of Salerno, Guglielmo Marconi University, University of Rome Tor Vergata, University of Bologna.

In April 2018 I conceived and wrote the book "Everything about Blockchain" (original title “Tutto su Blockchain”) published by HOEPLI Editor, the very first book in Italian language covering a complete (+ 180 pages) and in dept analysis of blockchain technology and cross-industry scenarios for which blockchain adoption can really be useful.

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