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Maurizio Pimpinella


Associazione Prestatori Servizi di Pagamento

Currently Maurizio Pimpinella is the President of the Italian Association of Payment Institutions and E-Money Operators (A.P.S.P.) and Professor under contract to the Department of Economics and Business Organization, Università degli studi Internazionali di Roma UNINT on the couse "Electronic money" . In 2012 he took part as coordinator and speaker in a series of seminars about technical systems and payment services held at the Master Economics, Marketing and Tourism at the University LUISS "Guido Carli" in Rome.
As President of A.P.S.P. .he is member a of CIPA - Interbank Convention on Automation Problems (Convenzione Interbancaria per i Problemi dell'Automazione - ), an Association set up by Banca d'Italia to promote interbank automation, and CPI - Comitato Pagamenti Italia, a Cooperation Committee whose objective is to contribute to the development of Italian payment market.
As President of A.P.S.P. he has also participated in April 2012, together with representatives of Ministry of Economy and Finance, Bank of Italy, ABI and Italian Post and Telecommunications Services, to the drafting of the Convention which defines the characteristics of the "basic account", the current account to zero expenses and stamp duty free to promote financial inclusion of vulnerable groups (for example non-EU students, pensioners, etc.). , an economic operation introduced by the so-called "Save Italy" launched by Monti Government.
He is also a member of the Commission M.I.F. - Multilateral Interchange Fee - established within the Ministry of Economy and Finance, created to define the general rules for the reduction of fees for the use of payment cards, together with Ministry of Economic Development, Bank of Italy, Authority Competition and Market, ABI, Italian Post and Telecommunications Service, Europe MasterCard, VISA Europe, ATM Consortium, American Express, Diners Club Italy, Confindustria, Italy Network Companies.

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