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Gaetano Giannetto


Epipoli SpA

After being discharged with the rank of Artillery Lieutenant of the NATO, Gaetano Giannetto began his professional career at Procter & Gamble, and then moved on to Pernod Ricard where he was a commercial manager.
His entrepreneurial spirit led him to start up Logistics Data Systems in 1988. This is the company that launched on the market Spaceman, the space management, merchandising and category management system.
Those years were characterized by major developments in retailing in which the buyer role evolved into a category manager, Spaceman and category management have been a prime mover worldwide.
ACNielsen acquired Logistics Data Systems in 1991. In 1994, Gaetano accepted the position of Managing Partner of ACNielsen and then Vice President in charge of retail and food industries for Europe, Middle East and Africa – EMEA where he remained until 1998. From 1998 to 2000 he was Vice President in charge of EMEA and AustralAsia for the NCR Corporation.
At the age of 40, in 2000, switching back to the role of entrepreneur, he founded and presided over Epipoli S.p.A. In 2006, still at the helm of the company, he introduced Gift Cards in Italy.
Passionate about new technologies and multimedia, in 1998 he designed and produced two digital publishing projects “Alla conquista del Nuovo Consumatore – Guida al Category Management” (Winning over the New Consumer – Category Management guide), the first work ever created on the subject of Industry-Distribution relations and in 1999 “Come radicali liberi: marketing senza schemi” (Like free radicals: schema-free marketing) focused on new consumption trends and social changes. In his career, as a speaker and lecturer for top international universities, he has participated in conferences and talk shows in Asia, Europe and the USA and over 100,000 managers have attended his presentations on retailing, supply chain and 1 to 1 customer marketing.
For over 10 years he spent his time travelling between Belgium, the UK and the United States.

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