Dario Calogero
Founder and CEO
Kaleyra Inc
Kaleyra Inc. (NYSE:KLR) is a multinational platform company, with operations in US, Europe, APAC & MEA. The Group provides mobile notification services for banks, e-commerce and any kind of small, medium and large enterprises, through a global platform. Kaleyra manages integrated and multi-channel mobile notification services such as messages, push notifications, e-mails, instant messaging, voice services.
Kaleyra is one of the main players in its industry, with 100 million USD turnover in 2018, with customers in over 30 countries, supported by 260+ employees based in Europe, India, United States, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and Singapore.
Inventing new services, innovating in the product/market/channel matrix, launching new business is what I do. I know very well the mobile services and I'm interested in business structures.
Specialties: Messaging, Mobile Application Development and Outsourcing, Business Consulting, MultiChannel Strategy, Internet and Mobile Applications, Process Re-engineering, Marketing/Sales Strategy, Implementation and Management. Last but not least: sailing, biking, running, swimming, skiing
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