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Claudio Bedino

Co-Founder and COO/CMO


Oval is the smartest solution for digital natives to manage their personal finances all in one unique, intuitive app.

Oval speaks to a new generation with flexible income, variable expenses and limited access to financial products. With Oval, everyone can find the tools they need to start small and make their money grow. It lets you pay smart, track expenses, save automatically, realize your goals, and invest easily.

At Oval we are committed to financial inclusion, education and fairness. Our aim is to help people acquire healthy financial habits. We are here to help you build a solid financial foundation for a bright future. We started our journey in 2016, and are now headquartered in London, UK and Turin, Italy.

More than 450,000 people have already changed the way they manage their money and have embraced a new financial consciousness.

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