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Alessandro Collesano


Fondazione ENEA Tech

CFO with over 20 years’ experience leading overall financial operations: annual and long-term financial planning, forecasting, corporate and business unit financial insights and analytics, management accounting, financial analysis, investment project evaluation, internal and regulatory reporting, accounting operations, ERP implementation, SOX operations, M&A.

Experience in a wide range of industries and markets: Internet of Things (IoT), Machine to Machine (M2M), Cloud Automation & Computing, Digital Security & Identity, Analytics & Big Data, Web & Applications, Content Businesses, On-line stores and big retail chains, Mobile and Fixed Telecommunications, highly complex TLC networks.

Alessandro holds a Master of Economics & Banking degree from the University of Siena and is qualified as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a Chartered Accountant (CA).

He strongly believes that the critical resources of a company are its people and its culture and that the smartest business idea is a traditional and proven one, the powerful daily question: how can we make our people and customers happier?

Raised in a small village on the Adriatic Sea, Alessandro loves spending time with his family, mountaineering and enjoying any form of art.

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